Every skin care regimen starts with thorough cleansing. Water soluble substances like dust are easy to remove. For lipophile pollution, cosmetics containing oils, sebum and skin flakes, special cleansing products are necessary. They have to be able to bind these particles. Aggressive cleansing products like alkaline soaps have to be avoided at any cost, as they dry out skin and damage the natural skin balance.

Matched to the different skin conditions, the retipalm cleansing products remove external as well as natural substances thoroughly and gently, without destroying the natural ph shield of the skin. Further, they prepare the skin perfectly for day care and night care products.

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5 products

  • Mild Cleansing Cream Mild Cleansing Cream

    Mild Cleansing Cream

    Mild cleansing cream for a pleasant and clean skin feeling
    Regular price €30,00 100ml
    Regular price Sale price €30,00
    Unit price €0,30  per  ml
    Empfindliche Haut Trockene Haut Reife Haut Neurodermitis Couperose
  • Intensiv Cleansing Foam Intensiv Cleansing Foam

    Intensiv Cleansing Foam

    Invigorating cleansing gel for a clean skin feeling
    Regular price €30,00 100ml
    Regular price Sale price €30,00
    Unit price €0,30  per  ml
    Alle Hauttypen
  • Deep Pore Purifiant Concentrate Deep Pore Purifiant Concentrate

    Deep Pore Purifiant Concentrate

    Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Cleanses gently and without drying out
    Regular price €29,50 30ml
    Regular price Sale price €29,50
    Unit price €0,98  per  ml
    Unreine Haut Mischhaut Akne
  • Gentle Eye Make-up Remover Gentle Eye Make-up Remover

    Gentle Eye Make-up Remover

    Oil-free eye make-up remover with hyaluronic acid
    Regular price €26,00 140ml
    Regular price Sale price €26,00
    Unit price €0,19  per  ml
    Alle Hauttypen
  • Therma Vital Sole Salz

    Therma Vital Sole Salz

    Natural brine salt for a new body feeling
    Regular price €31,00 1100g
    Regular price Sale price €31,00
    Unit price €0,03  per  g
    Alle Hauttypen

Innovation Made in Germany

Unser Streben gilt Ihrer Hautgesundheit als Basis für Schönheit und Wohlbefinden. Deshalb stellen wir nur solche Produkte her, die Ihre Haut optimal mit den Nährstoffen versorgen, die sie für ihre vielfältigen Aufgaben benötigt.

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  • Die Cosmetic ist einfach sehr sehr gut und für meine empfindliche Haut perfekt! Die Produkte sind teuer, die Investition lohnt sich aber auf jeden Fall!

  • Sehr gute Produkte. Schneller und zuverlässiger Versand.

  • Sehr schnelle Lieferung, die Produkte sind sehr exklusiv und hochwertig.

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  • Super Produkte. Extrem schneller Versand, Danke für die Proben im Paket.